Heidelberg Graduate School
New Silicon-based Photodetectors for HEP Detectors
Heidelberg Graduate School
The art of calorimetry
series of lectures given at
the Heidelberg graduate days
art of calorimetry I.pdf
Interaction of particles with matter (electromagnetic and hadronic interactions)
Interaction of particles with matter (electromagnetic and hadronic interactions)
art of calorimetry II.pdf
"from energy to signal"
- convert energy to light
- convert light to electrical signal
- reading an electrical signal
- convert energy to light
- convert light to electrical signal
- reading an electrical signal
art of calorimetry III.pdf
"from signal back to energy"
- detector response (linearity)
- detector resolution (fluctuations)
- improving calorimeter response (weighting techniques)
- detector response (linearity)
- detector resolution (fluctuations)
- improving calorimeter response (weighting techniques)
art of calorimetry IV.pdf
Some relevant topics in calorimetry:
- calorimeter as trigger (LHC)
- calorimeter for particle flow (ILC)
- dual readout calorimeter (ILC and beyond)
- calorimeter as trigger (LHC)
- calorimeter for particle flow (ILC)
- dual readout calorimeter (ILC and beyond)
art of calorimetry V.pdf
Monte Carlo models and validation
Calorimeters around the world
Calibration and monitoring
Calorimeters around the world
Calibration and monitoring