Job Openings
New Silicon-based Photodetectors for HEP Detectors
Job Openings
PhD student
The group has one open PhD student position.
The successful applicant is expected to play a major role in the commissioning,
test and analysis of a calorimeter prototype with innovative silicon based photodetector readout. Candidates with a particlephysics or detector development background are encouraged to apply. Knowledge of C++ is an advantage.
Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, pubblication list, a short statement of research
interest and indicate two names for request of reccomandation.
Diploma student
Various diploma topics are available:
- hardware and detector physics,
- medical field application of photo-detectors,
- hadronic shower data analysis and particle flow algorithm development and test,
- ILC detector optimization and ILC physics.
Candidates interested in a diploma position are encouraged to apply.
For further information please contact Dr. Erika Garutti (, 0049-40-89983779).