Useful Talks
New Silicon-based Photodetectors for HEP Detectors
Useful Talks
scintillator HCAL results, CALOR 2008, Pavia
you find a nice setup picture,
muons, em and hadronic analysis results from CAN-009, CAN-010 and CAN-011
muons, em and hadronic analysis results from CAN-009, CAN-010 and CAN-011
Data quality and detectors performances, CALICE collaboration meeting, Prague 2007
you find the description of the 2007 CALICE test beam at CERN, beamline instrumentation, event displays, detectors summary performance
Calibration and monitoring of a scintillator HCAL with SiPMs, CALOR 2008, Pavia
talk given by Angela Lucaci on the AHCAL calibration
one of the best explanation of our calibration procedure!
one of the best explanation of our calibration procedure!
The CALICE testbeam set-up and running, ECFA workshop, Valencia 2006
you find the description and pictures from the CALICE CERN installation 2006