HGF Project VH-NG-206

| New Silicon-based Photodetectors for HEP Detectors


Commisioning and Test of the Hadronic Calorimeter Prototype with novel SiPM Readout for the ILC detector

The first task of the group is inserted in the framework of the CALICE collaboration project.

New Silicon-based Photodetectors for HEP Detectors

Commisioning and Test of the Hadronic Calorimeter Prototype with novel SiPM Readout for the ILC detector

The first task of the group is inserted in the framework of the CALICE collaboration project.


The CALICE collaboration
(of which the HGF young investigator
group VH-NG-206 is member) is an
international collaboration with 39
institutes in 12 countries and more than 150 participants.


The main objective of the collaboration is the development of the next generation of calorimeters for future HEP detectors, based on innovative technologies to allow
unprecedented granularity and segmentation of all detector components.

The first generation of calorimeter prototypes has been commissioned during summer 2006.
Such a prototype should fullfil three main requirements:
- provide data of hadronic showers with unprecedented granularity
- tune existing clustering algorithms
- validate existing simulation models of hadronic showers.

The DESY group has focused his work mainly of the commissioning and test of the
Scintillator-Iron hadronic calorimeter with analog readout.

The base proposal is a sampling structure of 2 cm Iron and 0.5 cm scintillator material to ensure an excellent longitudinal segmentation. Each layer is, furthermore, subdivided in single channels
by individual readout of scintillator tiles of 3x3 cm^2 area. This unprecedented granularity fits the requirements of detector developed for the application of particle flow algorithms.


Left) A 1156-pixels SiPM from MEPHI-Pulsar, 1 square millimeter sensitive area.
Center) A 3x3 square centimeters scintillator tile with wavelength-shifting fiber guiding light to the sensitive area of the SiPM.
Right) One of of the 38 hadronic calorimeter layers, 1x1 square metere size, equipped with 216 scintillator tiles each with individual SiPM readout.